
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
In this special episode of the ISCA Learning podcast, we take a deep dive into active ageing in the 2020s with Youth Sport Trust (YST) International Managing Director Helen Vost and ISCA President Mogens Kirkeby. ISCA’s Generations Uniting through Movement (GUM) project was inspired by YST’s successful Active Across Ages programme, which started before the Covid-19 pandemic.
The GUM project tapped into a growing “trilogy of fears” among seniors and young people that are not unique to the pandemic but came into the spotlight soon after the initial virus threat. Isolation, extended closures of recreation centres and sports clubs, and an economic downturn highlighted these fears of loneliness; physical, mental and social skill deterioration; and a hyper-competitive job market. Not to mention the perceived recreational/technological gulf between generations – especially Boomers and Zs.
Can initiatives like Active Across Ages and GUM bring these generations together in social settings that aren’t family ones? Could they even help them #StickTogether and tackle today’s fears? And how do we, as coordinators, promote what works?
Listen to find out:
The immediate feel-good benefits when young people and seniors co-create social and physical activities.
Why your initiative has to be a win-win for both the older and younger participants to succeed.
Why “movement” can be a more useful word than “sport” to advocate for active ageing initiatives – and what “movement” activities look like.
How intergenerational movement programmes could create work experience and employment opportunities if we rethink aged care and prevention in the health sector.
Grab your swimsuit and goggles and dive in with us!
Hosts and recording: Hilal Erkoca Mølgaard and Rachel Payne, ISCA
Guests: Helen Vost, Youth Sport Trust International, and Mogens Kirkeby, ISCA
Post-production: Kristine Onarheim, ISCA
Visit the Generations Uniting through Movement project website https://www.generationsmove.org/
"This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
In the second episode of our three-part podcast series on Placemaking and Sport, we catch up with Cynthia Debono from MOVE Malta and Dusan Pjevac from Azur Sport Santé in France about repurposing urban spaces for active living in two very different countries. Both are non-profit trailblazers who proactively seek partnerships with city and community authorities to make innovative ideas come to life. It hasn’t been an easy ride, but it’s been a rewarding one.
We find out how they approached their Placemaking and Sport pilot projects – and why they chose their locations and strategies as they did. For Cynthia and MOVE Malta, it was finding a rare pocket of green space that had been left untouched for 60 years and engaging local children as consultants to find environmentally-friendly ways to use the space to learn and play. For Dusan and Azur Sport Santé, the 2024 Paris Olympic Games was perfect timing to highlight the potential of spaces around the National Museum of Sport and a repurposed parking lot (the City of Nice’s “green lung”) for physical activity and its interactive “Move Game”.
Jump into the conversation to find out:
Why it’s still possible to create active, green places in densely populated cities.
Why projects combining urban design, environmental sustainability, health and physical activity can bring huge returns on investment.
How Azur Sport Santé joined forces with the City of Nice – and why their partnership is still thriving.
Why “cathedral thinking” (no cathedral was built in a year, sometimes not even 100 years) is more effective than 5-year plans when designing public spaces for future generations.
Get inspired by these real-life examples of placemaking from two courageous sport NGOs.
Hosts and recording: Hilal Erkoca Mølgaard and Rachel Payne, ISCA
Guests: Cynthia Debono, MOVE Malta, and Dusan Pjevac, Sport Azur Santé, France
Post production: Rafael Morales and Kristine Onarheim, ISCA
Visit the Placemaking and Sport project website https://placemaking.isca.org/
"This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Placemaking and Sport with James Thoem and Sophia Schuff from Gehl
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
In the first episode of our three-part podcast series on Placemaking and Sport, we chat to urban design experts Sophia Schuff and James Thoem from Gehl in Denmark. Gehl is an expert partner in ISCA’s Placemaking and Sport project and, oh my, how grateful are we to learn about its long history and expertise? Founding architect Jan Gehl is globally renowned as a front-running researcher and “urban design guru” who has led the transformation of cities such as New York, Melbourne and Copenhagen (and many more) into Cities for People.
Gehl’s mission to make cities more liveable has evolved into a global movement, and Sophia, who hails from the US, and James, from Canada, travel across the world as part of this movement to help cities and communities find ways to improve their public spaces – no matter what their vision or budget is. From safe bike lanes to “sticky” squares where people hang out, to harbours bustling with water sports, city spaces can be hubs of activity for residents and visitors alike.
So let’s dive in to discover:
What makes a “wow moment” for people when they arrive in a city?
Why do some urban design projects succeed while others flop?
Why do Abu Dhabi and Toronto share similar challenges in getting residents outside and enjoying public spaces?
What are Copenhagen’s biggest triumphs when it comes to urban design?
And – getting to the core theme of these podcasts – what is placemaking and how does sport and active living fit into the picture?
We hope you’ll learn as much from this chat as we did.
Hosts and recording: Hilal Erkoca Mølgaard and Rachel Payne from ISCA
Guests: Sophia Schuff, Director and Urban Anthropologist at Gehl, Denmark/USA and James Thoem, Associate and Urbanist at Gehl, Denmark/Canada
Post production: Kristine Onarheim and Rachel Payne, ISCA
Visit the Placemaking and Sport project website https://placemaking.isca.org/
"This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy Podcast with Carole Gomez and Thierry Zintz
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Towards an EU Sport Diplomacy podcast will help you to have an overview of the sport political landscape and diverse perspectives of the EU Sport Diplomacy as well as to reflect on the discussions around how the sport sector can benefit more from sport diplomacy actions or a sport diplomacy strategy.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Placemaking and active space design with Cynthia Debono from MOVE Malta
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
MOVE Malta is committed to empowering young people and the community at large with opportunities that lead to a healthy and active lifestyle. MOVE works closely with the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector and the Ministry for Education, Youth and Sport on various community projects targeting young people, including migrants and refugees.
With the art of social interaction nearly forgotten, MOVE uses street sports and culture as a tool for active community engagement. Young people from all walks of life, with different cultural backgrounds and identities, are given the opportunity to socialise and be active though our various activities that are normally held in public spaces, hence turning unutilised open public spaces into vibrant playgrounds.
We interviewed Cynthia Debono, the founder and director of MOVE Malta, to learn what placemaking means to her. We asked her about placemaking activities in Malta and the kinds of tools has she used to design the community spaces. She also shared with us the challenges they are facing while organising and implementing placemaking.
Learn more about MOVE Malta's placemaking initiatives https://park.bgbeactive.org/park-pilot-actions-in-malta/

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
HEPA podcast: Discovering “Creating Active Schools” good practice with Andrew Daly-Smith
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
In this podcast interview, Andrew Daly-Smith from the Centre for Applied Educational Research at the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Bradford, generously provide us with an extensive presentation of the challenges they were facing and the solutions they developed and tested. Enjoy the ride through their “Creating Active Schools” approach.

Friday May 06, 2022
IRTS podcast: Work together for bigger impact! with Birgit van Delft
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
We talked with Birgit van Delft from War Child Netherlands, who has shared with us insights on how good progamme, such as TeamUp, is the base for building long-lasting partnerships with various organisations and stakeholders.
War Child Netherlands
Integration of Refugees Through Sport platform
Online learning platform Learn.ISCA.org
International Sport and Culture Association

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
IRTS Podcast: Include everyone! with Quan-Minh Bottrill-Chau
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
We interviewed Quan-Minh Bottrill-Chau from BikeBridge, Germany, which organises courses for women with migrant and refugee backgrounds. She shared with us more information on the Bike & Belong courses and other activities that are crucial for social integration.
Integration of Refugees Through Sport platform
Online learning platform Learn.ISCA.org
International Sport and Culture Association

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
IRTS Podcast: Work together for bigger impact! with Wim Poelmans
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
We talked with Wim Poelmans from the Flemish Athletics organisation which runs the project called RunFree. He shares more about different partnerships and collaborations they’ve established throughout the project.
Les Gazelles
Integration of Refugees Through Sport platform
Online learning platform Learn.ISCA.org
International Sport and Culture Association

Thursday Apr 21, 2022
IRTS Podcast: Step up with refugees! with Dora Gottgeisl
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
We invited Dora Gottgeisl from Oltalom Sport Association, Hungary, to share with us more about their project “Score for respect”.
Oltalom Sport Association
Integration of Refugees Through Sport platform
Online learning platform Learn.ISCA.org
International Sport and Culture Association